Jaya Bachchan, a member of the Samajwadi Party, lost her cool in the Rajya Sabha on Monday after a personal remark made by a member during a debate on the narcotics bill. She made a bare-knuckle attack on the Treasury benches, and she even accused the chair of not listening to the opposition.
Addressing the chair, which was presided over by Bhuwaneswar Kalitha, Bachchan remarked, “We want justice. We don’t expect justice from there (treasury benches) but can we expect it from you? How are you protecting the members of this house or the 12 members sitting outside? How are you protecting them?”
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When the chairman pointed out that she was not speaking on the narcotics bill and it seemed as if she was not interested in the bill, Bachchan said, “It is my turn to speak. We have been given three to four hours to discuss a clerical error”.
As some other members protested, the actor-turned-politician blew up, “What is going on? This is terrible… Aap logon ke bure din aayenge, (Your bad days will come)”.
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A heated confrontation erupted when BJP MP Rakesh Sinha raised a point of order, accusing her of targeting the chair. Bachchan urged that the chair take action against the member, claiming that they had made “personal remarks” against her.
The chair, on the other hand, announced that any remarks that were not appropriate would be removed from the record.
“If you have the intention to fight, this is not the house. I’m very sorry. I’m calling the next speaker,” Kalitha said.
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“How can they make personal remarks in the house? This is so sad that you people don’t have enough sense or honour for the colleagues sitting outside? Aap logon ke bure din bahut jald aayenge, I curse you,” she said.
Kalitha adjourned the House till 5 pm as the situation threatened to spiral out of control.
“I don’t want to make any personal comment on anyone. What happened was very unfortunate and they should not have spoken the way they did,” Bachchan later said.
The Enforcement Directorate questioned Bachchan’s daughter-in-law, star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, for five hours on Monday in connection with alleged forex violations relating to the ‘Panama Papers.’ According to sources, she allegedly concealed her money in a firm situated in the British Virgin Islands.