Aryan Khan, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son, is embroiled in an alleged drug bust case after Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) raided a cruise ship off Mumbai coast on Saturday night. The NCB says its sleuths recovered drugs from an alleged rave party on the Goa-bound ship and has detained eight people so far in the case. Aryan is currently being questioned by NCB and an initial examination of his phone has revealed messages which “show he was regularly ordering and consuming drugs,” News 18 quoted sources as saying.
The case against Aryan Khan is “strong” and he is likely to be arrested after questioning, the outlet reports.
NCB is also questioning Munmun Dhamecha, Nupur Sarika, Ismeet Singh, Mohak Jaswal, Vikrant Chhoker, Gomit Chopra and Arbaaz Merchant in the case.
The central agency has reportedly seized drugs such as cocaine, LSD, hashish and MD from those present on board the ship.
The central agency has registered an FIR in connection with the drugs party, news agency PTI quoted an official as saying.
Based on a tip-off, an NCB team, led by its zonal director Sameer Wankhede, had raided the Goa-bound Cordelia cruise ship on Saturday evening and recovered drugs from some of the passengers, the official said.
“During the operation, the suspects were searched and different drugs were recovered from them, which they had hidden in their clothes, undergarments and purses (by women). The detained persons will be produced in a court later in the day after the legal formalities get over, the NCB official said.
The NCB had launched a probe into the alleged drug use in Bollywood after the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The central agency had earlier arrested Rajput’s friend, actress Rhea Chakraborty, her brother Showik, some employees of the late Bollywood actor and a few others under sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. Rhea Chakraborty and some other accused are currently out on bail.