Fitness enthusiast and actor Milind Soman‘s wife Ankita Konwar took to Twitter on Tuesday to highlight racism in India after weightlifter Mirabai Chanu‘s win at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Chanu, who hails from the North-eastern state of Manipur, clinched a silver medal in the women’s 49 kg weightlifting category.
“If you’re from Northeast India, you can become an Indian ONLY when you win a medal for the country. Otherwise we are known as ‘chinky’ ‘Chinese’ ‘Nepali’ or a new addition ‘corona’. India is not just infested with casteism but racism too. Speaking from my experience. #Hypocrites,” Ankita tweeted.
Several Twitter users took to the comments section to slam Konwar for her comments.
“Very negative approach…….. at least not expected from Mrs Milind,” one person wrote.
“Ankita, I am born and brought up in Assam. Please do.not make negative statements like above as the currently the NE is getting focus and reconnected to mainland after so many years. So many people follow you, a positive message will definitely leave a nice impact,” wrote another user.
“Isn’t the ‘racism’ mutual? Have you distanced yourself from India and Indians in this tweet? Is there a we vs Indians in your messaging? Does your message create more fire (divisiveness) than light (awareness)? I am all for one India and one Indian. I respect your feelings too,” another person wrote.
Milind and Ankita tied the knot in 2018. They celebrated their third wedding anniversary in April.
“3 years!!! Happy anniversary @ankita_earthy Still seems like yesterday this is the smile that warms my heart, this is the sweet heart that makes me smile..” Milind wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of the two.