Tamil movie ‘Nenjam Marappathillai’ released in theatres on Friday as it was earlier scheduled by the makers. The Madras High Court, which had scheduled the release of the movie earlier after a plea was filed by Radiance Media, on Thursday cancelled the interim stay on the film, paving the way for its release.
Late Thursday/Friday night, actor SJ Suryah, who stars in the movie in lead role, took to Twitter, saying that the issue has been sorted between Radiance Media and Escape Artists. He wrote, “All cleared.. KDM issued for all theatres… Shows starts from 5 AM…. #NMI will be a Perfect birthday treat for all Selva sir fans..”
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The movie also stars Regina Cassandra and Nandita Sweta in lead roles.
The Madras High Court had ordered an interim stay on the movie on Tuesday, March 2, after Radiance Media Pvt Ltd filed a plea against Escape artists Motion Pictures, the production banner which is backing the movie, a report by The News Minute said.
The film went on floors in January 2016 and the shooting completed in July, the same year. Director Selvaraghavan in February, this year, announced that the movie will release on March 5, however, the film soon landed after Radiance Media’s plea.
What was the plea?
Radiance Media in the plea said that the production house, Escape Artists, took a loan Rs 2.42 crore from them for film Enai Noki Paayum Thota in 2019 and alleged that the banner still owns Rs 1.25 crore with interest. The petitioner sought instructions from the high court to stay the release of Nenjam Marappathillai movie temporarily, media reports say.
The production house said that it has paid Rs 60 lakh to Radiance Media and the rest they will the rest sum by July 2021. After the assurance by Escape Artists, the Madras HC paved the way for the movie release.