Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu said she has “nothing to fear” and that she will “serve the punishment” if found guilty of any wrongdoing in the wake of the Income Tax (IT) raids on her properties last week.
Speaking to NDTV, the 33-year-old actor said she has no idea why the raids took place, adding that she and her family fully co-operated with the procedures.
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“If there is anything wrong it will come out, I can’t hide anything. If I have done something wrong, I will serve the punishment,” she told NDTV.
On March 3, the IT Department conducted raids on the homes and offices of Taapsee and filmmaker Anurag Kashyap and associates who launched the now defunct production house Phantom Films.
Producers Vikas Bahl and Madhu Mantena are also associated with Phantom Films.
IT officials said they found discrepancies in income worth Rs 300 crore after conducting raids at nearly 30 locations across Mumbai and Pune as part of a tax evasion probe against Phantom Films.
Taking to Twitter, Pannu on Saturday said that IT Department’s raids on were to primarily search for three things: keys to an alleged bungalow she owns in Paris, a receipt for Rs 5 crore, and her “memory of 2013 raid”.
Anurag Kashyap also shared a picture with Pannu during a shooting session, saying that they had resumed work.
Also Read | ‘Condemnable act’: Prashant Kanojia, Tejaswi Yadav, others react to raids on Taapsee, Anurag Kashyap
Both Pannu and Kashyap are vocal critics of the government and have lend their voices on a number of occasions, including the CAA/NRC protests, the JNU protests and the ongoing farmers’ protest.