Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday responded at allegations of “inflating” oxygen requirements, saying his only crime was that he “fought for the breaths of the two crore people in Delhi”. This statement from the AAP leader comes after BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra accused him of committing a “heinous crime”.
Also read: AAP’s defence vs BJP’s offence over ‘inflated’ oxygen need report: 10 points
“My crime – I fought for the breath of 2 crore people. When you were doing an election rally, I was awake all night arranging for Oxygen. I fought, pleaded for people to get oxygen. People have lost their loved ones due to the lack of oxygen. Don’t call them liars, they feel so bad,” Kejriwal tweeted.
Earlier Sambit Patra, while addressing a press conference, cited a report by a Supreme Court audit team to note that the Delhi government had demanded 1,140 MT of the life-saving gas during the peak of the second wave even though it could utilise only 209 MT.
“Imagine the amount of criminality. This is a heinous crime by Arvind Kejriwal. This is criminal negligence as the panel says he sought four times more oxygen than required. The report has exposed the politics he did to shift blame from his incompetence and failure to deal with COVID-19,” Patra said.