Several popular websites, including BBC, New York Times, The Guardian, CNN, Reddit, Spotify, Twitch, Stack Overflow, GitHub,, Hulu, HBO Max, Quora, PayPal, Vimeo, Shopify faced an outage for a brief period on Tuesday. This glitch is believed to be caused by an outage at data centre Fastly, a popular Content Delivery Network (CDN) provider. Fastly has confirmed the issue on its status website.

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“We’re currently investigating potential impact to performance with our CDN services,” the firm said. The firm is offering the status of the fixes being done in minute-by-minute updates.

At 4.16 pm IST, Fastly posted an update on its status page:

“Identified – The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. Jun 8, 10:44 UTC. What’s possible now is a bunch of sites will suffer from a second outage due to lack of caching as their application servers have to suddenly catch up.”

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Most websites are now up and running after a brief outage.