Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a light moment during a party meeting, asked the BJP chief of Uttar Pradesh about the performance and well being of Kashi (Varanasi) lawmaker, who happens to be the PM himself. During a meeting of the party national office bearers on Sunday, PM Modi asked UP BJP chief Swatantra Dev Singh how the Varanasi MP was doing, sources told news agency ANI.
PM Modi is Varanasi MP, and this is his second term. The Prime Minister was first elected from the Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency in the 2014 general elections and then again in the 2019 general elections.
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A senior party leader told ANI that the sudden comment by the PM also “took the state BJP chief by surprise.”
Singh reacted with “a smile and folded hands” to the gentle query by the Prime Minister, reports ANI.
The incident happened on February 21 in Delhi during the first meeting of national office bearers of the BJP after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during which PM Modi was going around, interacting with the office bearers present there.
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The meeting was addressed by the PM, who focused on how and what BJP should speak upon in public and on lessons from life on countering opposition leaders, reports ANI.
Apart from the PM, BJP chief JP Nadda addressed the gathering as he outlined the strategy for strengthening and expanding the party across the nation.