Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to the father of the Indian student who was killed by shelling in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, as the country remains in conflict with Russia, ANI reported. PM Modi offered his deepest condolences and promises have already been made by the Karnataka Chief Minister to try and bring his mortal remains back to his home state.
Meanwhile, PTI reported his father alleging that nobody from the Indian embassy reached out to students stranded in Kharkiv. There have been some accounts from Indian students that the situation in Ukraine isn’t good, as many of them remain hidden in bunkers. Today, an ex-army general also spoke to ANI advising Indians in Ukraine to remain in bunkers or safe places until arrangements are made for evacuation. The former military man went to the extent to suggest they shouldn’t even try making their way to the borders.
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India has repeatedly stated that its chief focus is on the safety and quick evacuation of nationals in Ukraine. To that extent, PM Modi had earlier spoken to both presidents Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Russia and Ukraine, respectively, to take stock of the situation.
Evacuation flights, operated by the now-Tata owned Air India, are already underway. Several Indians have returned safely as a result. Currently, around 14,000 Indians remain in Ukraine, while 8,000 have left via various evacuation flights, NDTV reported.
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So far, India has remained neutral in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, urging that a diplomatic solution should be reached for sustained peace in the region. It has also sent ministers as special envoys to Ukraine’s neighbouring countries in order to facilitate a smoother evacuation process.
The nation’s stance had earlier drawn the ire of the Ukrainian envoy in the country, who noted that Ukraine was dissatisfied with India’s handling of the situation. Meanwhile, Russia praised the country’s impartial and balanced approach to the situation.