Priyanka Chopra has reacted to the ongoing Ukraine crisis, which has thrown the lives of innocent Ukrainians into disarray. She has described the situation as ‘terrifying,’ and has requested assistance from UNICEF. Priyanka uploaded a video of a news report on the situation in Russia-invaded Ukraine, demonstrating how people have converted subway stations into subterranean shelters to be safe during the Russia-Ukraine war.
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“The scenario happening in Ukraine is scary,” the actor wrote. “Innocent individuals living in terror for their own and their loved ones’ lives, attempting to navigate the uncertainties of the near future. It’s difficult to understand how this could have escalated to such a disastrous level in the contemporary world, but this is a watershed event that will echo across the world.”
Priyanka continued, “I’m asking people to reach out for help.” “In this combat zone, there are innocent individuals. They are the same as you and me. More information on how to help the people of Ukraine may be found at the link in my bio.” In 2016, Priyanka was named Global UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
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In the early hours of Thursday, Russia started a military campaign against Ukraine. In a surprise televised speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin made the news. An estimated 100,000 individuals fled as major cities were shaken by explosions and gunfire.
Recently, actor Sonu Sood appealed to the Indian Embassy in Ukraine to assist in locating an alternate path for the evacuation of Indians who had become stuck. On Thursday, he tweeted, “There are 18000 Indian students and many families who are stranded in Ukraine; I am confident the government is doing all possible to get them home. I request that the Indian Embassy identify an alternate path for their departure. #IndiansInUkraine We are praying for their safety.”
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Among those who have voiced concern over the Ukraine conflict is actor Tillotama Shome. “I worry endlessly for my mum, who is facing cancer in the midst of COVID,” she posted on Twitter. But when I think about the families and cancer patients caught in the thick of a battle, my brain just shuts down. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more heinous than war. Mothers do not entrust their children to battle.”
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Richa Chadha responded to the incident on Twitter, writing, “Every annexation/withdrawal of soldiers that pushes a country back into the Dark Ages/new data privacy regulations, everything that’ll happen now will happen to ‘advance democracy’ and in ‘national interest.'” If people do not struggle for freedom, we will be relegated to the status of serfs.”