Bharathi Kannama, who is a Transgender woman contesting in the upcoming Tamil Nadu Assembly elections from Madurai South constituency, is proud to get the opportunity and promised to make Madurai a model city.
Talking to ANI, Kannama said, “I am proud to be contesting in the election as a transgender for the first time in India.”
She had previously contested the 2014 Lok sabha elections from Madurai Constituency and her nomination for Lok Sabha in 2019 got rejected. While both times she contested as an Independent Candidate, she is contesting from New Generation People’s Party this time.
Talking about her qualifications, Kannama said, “I hold a BA in Economy, MA in Sociology, Diploma in Computer Engineering and along with all this, I hold a Doctorate in Sociology.”
She added, “We (transgender) have no family so we will not be corrupt. So, I appeal to the people of Tamil to vote for me. I will provide one government job to every family once I win in the elections. Everyone will get ration enough for 3 meals a day. I will come up with a restaurant plan.”
“I am very proud to I has got the opportunity to contest in this election from Madurai South constituency,” said Kannama.
A resident of the area, Brinda Paviya, told ANI, “e must support transgender contest this election. It’s necessary to give them reservations. We welcome transgender people to contest in elections.”