Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday summoned Dr. Deepak Mittal, the Ambassador of the Republic of India to the country over a controversial statement made by Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
In a statement, Qatar expressed its disappointment and total rejection of the remarks against Prophet Mohammed.
Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the State handed this note to the Ambassador of the Republic of India.
Also Read | Nupur Sharma ‘takes words back’ after suspension over Prophet comments
While the State of Qatar welcomed the statement issued by India’s ruling party announcing the suspension of Sharma, it also said that a public apology and immediate condemnation of these remarks from the Government of India were also necessary.
The Muslim country said pointed out that “allowing such Islamophobic remarks to continue without punishment, constitutes a grave danger to the protection of human rights and may lead to further prejudice and marginalization, which will create a cycle of violence and hate.”
The note also said that “more than two billion Muslims across the world follow the guidance of Prophet Mohammed,” adding that these “insulting remakes would lead to incitement of religious hatred, and offend more than two billion Muslims around the world, and indicate the clear ignorance of the pivotal role that Islam has played in the development of civilizations around the world, including in India.”
Also Read | BJP cut ties with Nupur Sharma, Naveen Jindal: All about the controversy
After Sharma’s statement during a TV debate sparked backlash, BJP on Sunday suspended her from her role in the party.
Party national general secretary and HQ in-charge Arun Singh said in a statement that the party respects all religions and is against any ideology that insults or demeans any sect or religion.
“During the thousands of years of the history of India, every religion has blossomed and flourished. The Bharatiya Janata Party respects all religions. The BJP strongly denounces insults of any religion. personalities of any religion. The Bharatiya Janata Party is also strongly against any ideology which insults or demeans any sect or religion. The BJP does not promote such people or philosophy,” Singh said in the statement.
Following the suspension, Sharma wrote on Twitter apologizing for her comments, saying: “If my words have hurt anyone’s religious sentiments, I take my words back. My intention was never to hurt anyone.”