Actor-turned-politician Rajinikanth was on Friday admitted to Apollo Hospitals in Hyderabad as he was suffering from severe blood pressure fluctuations, the hospital said in a statement. “Though he did not have any symptoms of COVID-19, his blood pressure showed severe fluctuations and needed further evaluation for which he has been admitted to the hospital,” Apollo said in its statement.
“He’ll be investigated and monitored closely till his bp settles down before being discharged. He doesn’t have any other symptoms and is hemodynamically stable,” the hospital added.
Earlier this week, the shooting of the Rajinikanth’s film ‘Annaatthe’ was halted after four of the film crew tested postive for COVID-19, news agency PTI reported. Sun Pictures, the production house, said the top actor and other crew members have tested negative for the virus.
The shoot for the movie, directed by Siva and featuring Keerthy Suresh, Nayanthara, Khusbu and Prakash Raj among others, resumed here on December 14.