Shah Rukh Khan, commonly referred to as the “King of Bollywood,” has led the Indian film and entertainment business for three decades. Before he ventured into movies, the actor began by playing small time roles in TV serials. His first film, Deewana, was an instant hit. While Deewana was his first theatrical release, he reportedly shot for Dil Ashna Hai before that, in which he had a longer cameo. Blockbuster films like Baazigar and Darr helped SRK break through in his second year, after which the actor was unstoppable.
Along with captivating audiences with his outstanding performances, the actor broke numerous box office records during his 30-year Bollywood career:
1. Shah Rukh Khan has had as many as 16 ‘Bumper’ box office openers in his 62 films, making him the actor with the most since the 1990s. A superstar always manages to get a bumper opener. To put things in context, War, starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff, had the last big opening in Bollywood in 2019.
2. Shah Rukh Khan has a total of 9 “Highest Grosser of the Year” titles under his belt, which is the most of any actor in the world. Salman Khan does the same.
3. Shah Rukh Khan has had the most consecutively successful movies since the 1990s, with up to 12 films receiving a success rating or higher.
4. Between 2006 and 2014, Shah Rukh Khan was the only actor since the 1990s to deliver 10 consecutively successful movies.
5. In India, Shah Rukh Khan has the most international blockbusters. He has produced more blockbusters than the rest of Bollywood, which puts his track record abroad into perspective.
6. From 2000 to 2004, Shah Rukh Khan’s films consistently topped the list of highest grossers, making him the only actor to win five consecutive times for “Highest Grosser Of The Year” globally.
7. Shah Rukh Khan has produced the most consecutive films that have grossed $10 million abroad, and the streak is still going. From My Name Is Khan through zero, all of his films have earned more than $10 million from foreign sales. In order to put this achievement into perspective, the most recent Bollywood movie to earn more than $10 million in sales was in 2019.
8. Shah Rukh Khan still holds the record for selling more than 10 crore tickets for a single film in the year 1995, making him the highest-grossing actor in a single year since the 1990s. The gross amount could reach Rs. 3000 cr. if the ticket prices were adjusted to reflect current prices and ticket taxes were taken into account.
The actor has many more accomplishments that might be listed, but we’ll save that for another time. We congratulate the actor on 30 successful years in show business.