Actor Deepika Padukone is being trolled online over her social media posts on mental health, following the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The “Padmavat” actor, in a series of posts, drew attention towards the issue of depression, with the expression ‘Repeat After Me’, soon after the death of the actor
Hashtag RepeatAfterMe started trending on Twitter, on Thursday, with over 32,000 tweets, using which the netizens are trolling Padukone over her posts.
“Deepika is a depression expert as she suffered a depression bout a decade ago. Similarly I’m a wildlife expert as I suffered a wild monkey bite in class IV. Repeat after me, monkey bite is real. Tell me what expert you became after what you suffered. Use hashtag #RepeatAfterMe,” a user wrote
“I am cardiac surgeon, bcz I fixed my broken heart Thrice in last couple years,” wrote another.
Many users trolled her for her husband, Ranveer Singh’s dressing style. “This is normal but Sushant was mental,” wrote a user, who shared pictures of Singh’s dressing style.
However, several netizens pointed out that the latest commentary is a setback for conversation around mental health issues, which is still considered a taboo in several parts of the country, with patients finding it difficult to speak about their issues.
“The entire #RepeatAfterMe trend is setting back the conversation on mental health for several decades. People are putting up photos of Ranveer Singh in strange clothing and saying that Deepika thinks Sushant is mental, but not her own husband, and that’s why she must be vilified (sic),” wrote a user.
Following the Supreme Court’s order on Wednesday in which the apex court upheld the transfer of the FIR in Sushant Singh Rajput’s case from a Patna police station to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), actor Kangana Ranaut took a sly dig at Padukone.
“Repeat after me, depression ka dhandha chalane walon ko public ne unki aukat dikhadi ????” Ranaut tweeted.
Rajput was found dead in his Mumbai residence on June 14, which sent shockwaves throughout the nation. It also stoked conversation over the issue of nepotism prevalent in Bollywood.