Bollywood actor Rajiv Kapoor, late veteran actor Raj Kapoor’s son and late film star Rishi’s Kapoor’s brother, passed away at 58 on Tuesday, his sister-in-law Neetu Kapoor confirmed in an Instagram post.
In the post captioned, “RIP”, Neetu posted an old picture of Rajiv on her Instagram handle.
Brother Randhir Kapoor stated
that Rajiv died due to a heart attack.
“He passed away about 1.30 pm due to heart attack,”
Randhir Kapoor told PTI.
Rajiv started his career in acting with the 1983 film ‘Ek
Jaan Hain Hum,’ but played a leading role in the 1985 blockbuster ‘Ram Teri
Ganga Maili.’ Coincidentally, the latter was Raj Kapoor’s last directorial
He went on to feature in films like ‘Aasmaan’, ‘Lover Boy’, ‘Zabardast’
and ‘Hum To Chale Pardes’.
Rajiv’s last film as a leading man was 1990’s ‘Zimmedaar’. A
lesser known face from the famous Kapoor film clan, he then made a switch to
production and direction.
His first production was ‘Henna’ (1991), directed by his brother Randhir
Kapoor. In 1996, Rajiv Kapoor made his feature directorial debut with ‘Prem Granth’,
starring Rishi Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit. He also produced the Rishi Kapoor-directed
1999 romance drama ‘Aa Ab Laut Chalen’.
Rajiv was the youngest among three brothers and two sisters —
Randhir , Rishi , Ritu Nanda and Rima Jain. His eldest sister Nanda and brother Rishi passed away in January and April last year.
The actor was set to make a comeback to the screen with sports drama ‘Toolsidas Junior’, starring Sanjay Dutt in the lead. The movie was
announced in December 2020.