A Mumbai court on Saturday sent actor Rhea Chakraborty’s brother, Showik, and Sushant Singh Rajput’s manager, Samuel Miranda, to Narcotics Control Bureau’s custody till September 9 in connection with drug probe linked to actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case. The NCB had sought 7-day custody of Showik Chakraborty and Samuel Miranda. The court has also sent alleged drug dealer Kaizen Ibrahim to 14-day judicial custody, news agency ANI reported.
Both Showik and Samuel were taken to a civic hospital in the morning before being produced at the Esplanade Court.
The NCB is also likely to summon Rhea to join the probe. “We will be asking her (actor Rhea Chakraborty) to join the investigation, and maybe to some other people as well,” Mutha Ashok Jain, Deputy DG, South-Western Region, NCB, told reporters.
The NCB had arrested Showik Chakraborty and Samuel Miranda on Friday in connection with the drugs probe linked to actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, officials said. The agency has also arrested Zaid Vilatra and Abdel Basit Parihar under various sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.
Showik Chakraborty, brother of main accused in the case Rhea Chakraborty, and Rajput’s house manager Samuel Miranda have been placed under arrest under various sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, news agency PTI reported quoting a senior NCB officer.
Also Read: Filmmakers take on media for ‘relentless attacks’ following Sushant Singh’s death
They have been booked under sections 20(b) that deals with production, manufacture, possession, selling, purchase and transport of cannabis, 28 (punishment for attempt to commit offences), 29 (punishment for abetment and criminal conspiracy) and 27(a) that defines punishment for financing illicit traffic and harbouring offenders, the officer said.
Three central agencies, the NCB, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) are probing various angles linked to Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. The actor, 34, was found dead at his house in Mumbai’s Bandra on June 14. The Mumbai Police had initially said that the actor died due to suicide. However, the case was later handed over to the following a plea by Rajput’s family in the Supreme Court.