In an explosion at a Chikkaballapur village in Karnataka, six people were killed on Tuesday, reports PTI quoting the police. The blast occurred when they were trying to dispose of gelatin sticks at a stone quarry. The incident comes just a month after a similar explosion at a quarry site in Karnataka CM BS Yediyurappa’s hometown of Shivamogga on January 22. Six people were killed in the Shivamogga blast.
Karnataka Health Minister K Sudhakar, who represents the Chikkaballapur constituency visited the spot and said the bodies of the victims were badly mutilated and scattered all over the place.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his condolences to the families of the victims of the blast.
“Pained by the loss of lives due to a mishap at Chikkballapur in Karnataka. Condolences to the bereaved families. Praying that the injured recover quickly,” Modi tweeted.