Indian actor Sonu Sood’s dosa-making skills were on dispaly on Monday in a video he posted on his Instagram handle. Captioned ‘dosa time’, the  video shows the 47-year-old actor preparing crisp dosas. The actor jokes that he is often called back to the sets even on off days just to make dosas for the team.

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The actor-producer, who made headlines last year with his efforts to help migrant workers who lost their jobs due to the lockdown imposed after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, says that those who wish to become actors must first learn to cook.

The video evoked several responses from his fans with one of them saying, “Sir! You are an inspiration”. Malvika Sachar, a film critic also commented, “ur all-rounder pajeey”. 

In one of his earlier posts, Sonu Sood had taken to social media to talk about his love for street food. In the post, he can be seen sitting in vehicle, belonging to a roadside vendor in Punjab’s Tarn Taran, preparing fresh sugarcane juice and other refreshing summer drinks. He is seen preparing a glass of lemonade and urges his  eight million followers to visit vendor ‘Jaspal’s truck’ when in Punjab.

Supporting the #vocalforlocal, the actor has many times posted about street food vendors in order to help boost small businesses. 

Sonu Sood is not just an actor but a producer and a model who primarily works in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil films. He was recently appointed as the brand ambassador for the anti-COVID-19 vaccination programme.