Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s family lawyer Vikas Singh on Wednesday said that they have written to the CBI director to constitute a fresh forensic team to look into reports prepared by Cooper Hospital and to give an opinion as to whether the opinion by Cooper Hospital can be sustained or not, reported ANI.

Earlier on Wednesday, Singh sent a letter to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), challenging the forensic report submitted by All India Institute Of Medical Science (AIIMS) on Monday.

In the letter written to the CBI director Rishi Kumar Shukla, Singh raised several objections on the findings of the autopsy team and called the report ‘faulty’. “Matter needs to be referred to another forensic team to be constituted by CBI,” the letter read. He further wrote that the AIIMS team was “not doing a post-mortem report but was only to express its opinion with regard to the post-mortem report done by the Cooper Hospital.”

“AIIMS did not have the privilege of examining the body of Sushant Singh Rajput and thus forming a first-hand opinion about the cause of death,” he added.

The letter continued, “Dr Sudhir Gupta [AIIMS panel’s chief] has been giving media interviews about the sensitive case right from Day One, questioning Cooper Hospital doctors for the ‘dubious’ autopsy and Maharashtra Police for a hurried post-mortem and contamination and non-preservation of the scene of crime.”

Rajput’s autopsy was done by three Cooper Hospital doctors on the night of his death.

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The three-page-letter also pointed out that the post-mortem was done at the Mumbai hospital at night without any magistrate’s order, no videotaping of the autopsy, and non-preservation of sufficient viscera for future examination.

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Meanwhile, the Bombay High Court on Wednesday granted bail to actor Rhea Chakraborty, who was arrested on September 9 by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), in the drug probe related to Rajput’s death.

Rajput was found hanging at his Bandra home in Mumbai on June 14, 2020. He was 34 at the time of his death.

Currently, the CBI, the NCB and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) are investigating the death of the actor.