The Tamil Nadu government, on Saturday, announced new lockdown guidelines that will come into effect at 4 am on April 26, reported news agency PTI. These restrictions were announced as the state reported over 13,000 new COVID-19 cases and 78 deaths on Friday. 

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 As per the new restrictions, theatres, shopping malls, gyms, convention halls, bars, recreation centres and bigger stores will remain shut. Spas, bars, places of worship and salons will also be shut. Bigger departmental stores will be allowed to operate without air conditioning.

“In all places of worship, there will be no permission for the general public to offer worship,” the government said. However, there was no bar on employees continuing with usual worship and prayer sessions, it added.

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Restaurants, tea stalls, messes will be allowed to provide take-away and parcel service as dine-in facilities will be strictly prohibited. 

Wedding ceremonies in the state will be performed with a maximum of 50 people and no more than 25 persons will be allowed in funerals. 

As per the restrictions, e-registration at will be mandatory to enter Tamil Nadu from abroad and other states except for Puducherry.  

India reported 3.47 lakh COVID-19 cases on Friday, a record single-day spike ever reported in the world.