Thinking of switching all your virtual communications to Telegram from WhatsApp but scared of losing all the stored data? Well, Telegram knows about this and is now offering you to move all your conversations of WhatsApp to its platform. 

In a new feature, which is available in its Telegram 7.4 update, a user can import or migrate chats from WhatsApp following some simple steps. 

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Follow these steps for moving chat on Android:

1. Open any chat on WhatsApp, which you want to migrate to Telegram. Tap three vertical dots on the top right corner of the chatbox

2. Click on the option Export Chat and then select Telegram in the sharing menu

3. You can export the chat to Telegram with or without media. If you want to restore the media as well, click on the option when asked

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After following these simple steps, the chat on WhatsApp will be visible on Telegram. However, as of now, Telegram is not offering you to move all the conversations of WhatsApp to its platform in bulk. If you wish to move all the conversations, you will have to do it one-by-one, even for group chats, using the same method.

Follow these steps for moving chats on iOS:

1. Open a chat in WhatsApp that you wish to move to Telegram. Then, tap on the area right beside the profile picture of the contact

2. Tap on Export Chat and then select Telegram in the sharing menu

3. You can also export chat to Telegram in other quicker way. Go to the chat screen of WhatsApp and then swipe left on any chat that you wish to export and tap Export Chat and select Telegram.

The timestamps of messages of exported chats will not change and the chats will come with a flag at the bottom saying ‘Imported.’ Meanwhile, the exported chats will not occupy extra space on your phones.