A video showing a huge gathering at a funeral procession in a madrasa at Sambhal in Uttar Pradesh is being shared with a false claim that it is from an ‘Iftar’ party in Hyderabad, reports The Quint. The video that is being referred to was shared on the Internet with the caption, “कुम्भ पर ज्ञान बाटने वालों का जी भर गया हो तो ये हैदराबाद की ‘इफ्तारी’ भी देख लेना|”, which translates to “Those preaching on Kumbh must also see this Iftar gathering at Hyderabad”.
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This video was found with the same claim on Twitter and Facebook. The Quint divided the video into multiple keyframes, which directed them to a tweet from April 17. The tweet mentioned that the viral video was from the Anjuman Masjid in Sambhal. It was confirmed after it was checked on Google Maps that the building that was seen in the viral video resembled the Anjuman Muainul Islam Madrasa.
It was also later confirmed after a local reporter reached out in Sambhal, who informed that the video shows a gathering at Sambhal rather than at Hyderabad.
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Sambhal Police confirmed that people turned up in huge numbers to attend the funeral procession in spite of denying permission by the cops in light of rising COVID-19 cases, said Sambhal Police to The Quint. Hence, the claims on the social media platforms that the numbers and the procession were from Hyderabad was proven false.