A video of a police officer shooting a couple in broad daylight is being circulated on social media platforms, including WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, triggering queries among users. However, the clip is now fact-checked by Rahul Srivastav, the Additional Superintendent of Police of the Anti-Terrorism Squad in Uttar Pradesh.
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In the 22-second clip, a cop is seen engaging in a quarrel with a couple. He pushes the boy, takes out his gun and shoots him dead within seconds. The girl then starts crying loudly and abusing the cop, after which he shoots her too. A crowd is seen witnessing the incident. Everything happened in front of a cafe named ‘Friends Cafe’.
Verifying the authenticity of the episode, Srivastav said the video is from a web series that was shot in Karnal, Haryana. He added that the manager of Friends Cafe has confirmed it.
Several Twitter users commented on the video saying that filming for these kinds of scenes should not be allowed in public places. Many were also angered by children’s presence in the background.
“Why these kinda shootings are allowed in public places? this kinda scene should only be allowed at private sets & most imp concern. have they taken permission from the city administration? If not, then should be punished for irresponsible behaviour,” a user wrote.
“This type of #webseries should be banned. Because it’ll make bad impact on citizens. The #Police department is always for safety of our citizens not to hurt them, another said.
Srivastav’s tweet has been shared by thousands of people. According to NDTV, the Uttar Pradesh Police had also clarified in a tweet that the video was false.