February 14, 2021, marks the second anniversary of the Pulwama attack in India where 40 personnel of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) were killed in a suicide bomb attack. The accused rammed an IED-laden vehicle into the convoy carrying them. Comprising of 78 buses, the convoy carrying 2,500 personnel was moving towards Srinagar from Jammu.

Also Read: CRPF man killed in Pulwama attack gets President’s police medal for gallantry

Adil Ahmad Dar, a 22-year-old bomber drove a Maruti Eeco through an alleyway onto the highway at around 3pm and rammed the explosive-laden car into a bus carrying the CRPF troopers. Within a few seconds of the planned crash, the vehicle was reduced to a dilapidated heap of metal and 40 troopers were blown up.

Two years hence, Indians have not forgotten the pain the families of these young men had to go through and the loss they had to bear. Here are a few reactions of people on Twitter.

A few days later, India carried out surgical strikes in Pakistan’s Balakot.