Sunrisers Hyderabad’s young pacer Umran Malik knocked the stumps four times against Gujarat Titans on Wednesday to complete his maiden five-wicket haul. The 22-year-old first dismissed Shubman Gill with a yorker before getting the wicket of GT skipper Hardik Pandya. He then rattled Wriddhiman Saha‘s stumps in the 14th over with a stunning 153 kmph delivery, sending the GT player packing. His final two victims were David Miller and Abhinav Manohar. With this, the pacer from Jammu & Kashmir became the third bowler in the history of the Indian Premier League to dismiss four players with a clean bowl dismissal.
Watch his 153 kmph delivery that took Saha by surprise –
Several of Umran Malik’s fans and former cricketers took to social media to congratulate the pacer on his maiden 5-wicket haul.
“The rise and rise of Umran Malik is the story of this IPL. So far he’s been coming to bowl with opposition under pressure but this time came when GT were wicketless and took down the top 3,” Wasim Jaffer wrote.
“Umran Malik remember the name Take a bow to Dale Steyn sir, who has faith on Umran Malik. Now let’s see his consistency and accuracy with sheer Yorker. World cricket ready to handle the Speedstar,” a Twitter user wrote.
The 22-year-old was awarded the Player of the Match, becoming the first player from the losing side to get the award in the 15th season of the Indian Premier League.
“I always bowl fast but I’ve been trying to bowl better lines and lengths. Plan was to rotate between between my plans. Idea was to attack the stumps and it’s worked well for me. 155 (kph), hopefully it happens, but the main goal is to bowl well and pick wickets for my team,” Umran Malik said at the post-match presentation ceremony.