Congress leader and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi on Thursday asked the people of the country to vote to free the country from “fear” as polling began at 7 am today for the first phase of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2022. The voters spread across 58 Assembly constituencies in 11 districts are casting their vote.
In a tweet, Rahul Gandhi said, “Free the country from every fear- Come out, vote!”
Also read: UP Elections 2022: Free the country of fear, says Rahul Gandhi
In the first phase, voters from the Jat-dominant belt of western Uttar Pradesh are choosing their representatives in the 403-member Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly.
Districts which are witnessing polling today include Shamli, Meerut, Hapur, Muzaffarnagar, Baghpat, Ghaziabad, Bulandshahar, Aligarh, Agra, Gautam Buddha Nagar and Mathura.
Also read: PM Modi urges voters to abide by COVID rules; says, ‘Pehle matdan, phir jalpan’
It is reported that a total of 25,849 polling stations and 10,766 polling centres have been set up in these districts for the voting which will conclude at 6 pm. A total of 623 candidates are in the fray in the first phase of UP elections 2022.
The campaigning for the first phase of the UP polls had concluded at 6 pm on Tuesday.
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The Uttar Pradesh elections are being held in seven phases on February 10, 14, 20, 23, 27, March 3 and 7. The results will be announced on March 10.