The incident of a judge in Jharkhand’s Dhanbad being hit by a tempo on Wednesday has reached the Supreme Court with Chief Justice of India NV Ramana saying, “We are aware of the case and we will take care.” In the CCTV footage that has gone viral, a tempo appears to be deliberately swerving towards the Additional Judge Uttam Anand, who is seen jogging by the side of the road, hitting him and then fleeing.
Initially, the police treated it as a hit-and-run case but as the TV security footage surfaced, murder probe was initiated as it appeared that the tempo driver hit him deliberately.
The video of the incident was tweeted by an advocate, Ashwani Dubey. Watch:
Raising the issue in the Supreme Court, senior lawyer anmd former Additional Solicitor General Vikas Singh, appearing for Supreme Court Bar Association, asked the court to take suo motu cognisance of the incident, reports ANI. “It is a brazen attack on judiciary. This is a matter which should go to the CBI. The local police is usually complicit in such matters. It is shocking. A judge is on a morning walk and is hit by a vehicle. He was dealing with bail applications of gangsters. This is an attack on judicial independence,” Singh said, reports ndtv.
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The driver of a tempo has been arrested along with an associate, the police said. Initial investigations show that the vehicle was stolen just a few hours before the judge was hit, the reports adds.
Judge Anand was on his morning run on Wednesday when he was hit by just half a km from his home, according to the police. The incident took place around 5 am and the judge was found lying on the deserted road by a passerby who took him to hospital. He died in hospital and remained unidentified for hours. His family reported him missing at 7 am and he was finally tracked down to the hospital.
According to the police, Judge Anand’s cases had been handling many cases of mafia killings in Dhanbad town and had recently rejected the bail applications of two gangsters.