Virat Kohli and wife Anushka Sharma have raised over Rs 4 crores in less than a day after they announced a fundraiser for COVID relief fund on Friday. India is witnessing huge daily rise in COVID cases and deaths and the couple is raising money for helping those suffering from it. 

Also Read: %u2018You are a hero%u2019: Sonu Sood applauds Sara Ali Khan for COVID relief donation

After crossing the halfway mark of  Rs 7 crore goal, Anushka Sharma shared an Instagram post , %u201CGrateful to everyone who has donated so far. Thank you for your contribution. We have crossed the half way mark, let%u2019s keep going.%u201D

The duo have already donated Rs 2 crore for COVID-19 relief work. The fundraiser is running on Ketto for seven days and the money raised will be donated to ACT Grants. ACT has been working towards providing oxygen, medical supplies and vaccination awareness during the pandemic. 

Also Read: %u2018India is bleeding%u2019: Priyanka Chopra sets up a fundraiser for COVID-19 relief

In the one minute video shared by the duo on Friday, they emphasised that it was time that all of us come together and help in COVID-19 relief work. 

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