A day after announcing their separation, actor Aamir Khan and director-producer Kiran Rao came together for a video message for their fans. Sitting next to each other and holding hands, the two assured their well wishers that they are “still a part of one family.”
“Toh aap logon ko dukh bhi hua hoga, achcha nahi laga hoga, shock laga hoga. Hum bas itna aapko kehna chahte hai ki hum log dono bohot khush hai aur hum ek hi parivaar hai (All of you must be saddened and shocked by the news of our separation. We just want to tell all of you that we are very happy and we are a part of one family),” Aamir said in the video.
Also Read: 4 times Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao courted controversy
“Humare rishte mein change aaya hai. Lekin hum log ek doosre ke saath hi hai, toh aap log aisa kabhi mat sochiyega (Our relationship has changed. But we are still with each other),” he added.
The former couple also said they will continue to work together for Paani Foundation, a non-profit organisation that founded.
“Aur Paani Foundation humare liye Azad ki tarah hai, jo humara bachcha hai, Azad, waise hi Paani Foundation. Toh humlog humesha family hi rahenge. Humare liye aap log dua kariye, prarthna kariye ki hum khush ho. Bas yehi kehna tha hum logon ko (Paani Foundation is like our son, Azad, for us. We will always be family. Please pray for our happiness. This is all we wanted to say),” he said.
Also Read: Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao: A timeline of 15-year long lovestory
Aamir and Kiran announced their divorcein a joint statement, after 15 years of marriage.
“In these 15 beautiful years together we have shared a lifetime of experiences, joy, and laughter, and our relationship has only grown in trust, respect, and love. Now we would like to begin a new chapter in our lives – no longer as husband and wife, but as co-parents and family for each other,” they said.
The former couple met on the sets of the movie ‘Lagaan’, where Aamir played the lead role and Kiran worked as an assistant director. On December 28, 2005, they tied the knot after dating for an year.