“Mein Vikas Dubey hoon, Kanpur wala”, screamed Uttar Pradesh’s most wanted gangster seconds after his arrest from Mahakal temple premises in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain. Dubey was arrested seven days after killing eight Uttar Pradesh policemen who had come to arrest him from his Kanpur home on July 3.
Dubey had been on the run since the Kanpur incident with police launching a massive manhunt that involved arresting his closest aides. His house in Kanpur, the site of the July 3 encounter, and his cars were demolished and the bounty on his head increased to Rs 5 lakh form Rs 50,000 just a week back.
A video tweeted by news agency ANI shows the gangster being pulled by cops towards a police vehicle after his arrest and he can be heard shouting, “I am Vikas Dubey, from Kanpur.”
Dubey, a history-sheeter has 60 cases registered against him, for crimes which include murder, robberies and kidnappings. In one of his most daring attacks. he allegedly murdered a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and then minister of state Santosh Shukla inside the Shivli police station in 2001.