Comedian Kapil Sharma, who was seen exiting the Mumbai airport on a wheelchair on Monday, lashed out at mediapersons for troubling him while they were clicking photos and videos of him.
A member of Kapil Sharma’s team asked the paparazzi to delete the pictures but they refused to do so. They were upset as Kapil shouted at them.
Here’s the video of wheelchair bound Kapil Sharma exiting the airport in Mumbai:
Manav Manglani posted the video and wrote a caption alongside saying, “Chalo ji Hum Ullu Ke Patthey but we still wish you a speedy recovery. Kapil Sharma at the airport today” referring to the phrase Kapil used at him, calling him a fool.
While some users commented on the post saying, “why does he have so much attitude?” others said that, “we should respect someone’s privacy.”