A video from Gurugram has been doing rounds on social media after a man died and three others got injured as lightning struck a tree under which they had been standing to avoid the rain. The distressing incident was caught on a security camera.
The incident happened on Friday evening at the premises of Signature Villas residential complex in sector 82 in Gurugram. All four of them were a part of the gardening staff at the apartment society.
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The CCTV footage shows that four men came to stand under the tree to escape the rain. After which, a lightning suddenly struck the tree. Within the blink of an eye, three of the collapsed, the fourth man, who was leaning against the tree fell a second later, as the clip shows.
Here’s a look at the viral video from Gurugram:
After the incident happened, all four of them were taken to a hospital nearby, where one of them was pronounced dead at the arrival, whereas one suffered with severe burns and is been treated in intensive care. Two others remain out of danger.
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The day started with rain in the Delhi NCR area on Friday on the midst of increasing heat as the summer is approaching. People were happy to see the pleasant weather, but after the unfolding of such an incident, people should keep in mind that if there is a strong lightning during the rain, one should not stand under the tree.