A video of a Telangana state police guard has gone viral on the internet. The video, shared by IPS officer Dipanshu Kabra on Twitter, displays the guard rescuing a dog stranded in a gushing stream.
Mujeeb, the home guard, rushed to save a dog with the help of a JCB machine. The 2 minute and 20 second long video displays the man’s attempt to save the dog. The footage concludes with the guard carrying the dog in his arms and placing him on the machine’s loader.
Posted three days ago, the video has amassed over 8,400 views on Twitter and hundreds of likes.
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“Seeing the dog trapped in the raging waves, Mujeeb, a home guard of @TelanganaCOPs immediately called the JCB and himself descended into the waves to save him. Hearty salute to his spirit. One who wears the Khaakhi never hesitates to take any risk for the service of humanity,” Kabra captioned the tweet in Hindi.
Many Twitter users have lauded the man’s benevolence. One user wrote, “In today’s world, where.. each man to himself..Home Guard Mujib with golden heart, his selfless tender act of saving drowning dog is so commendable… He deserves to be promoted. 3 cheers to Mujib for his humane act!”
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Another user added, “Example of ‘beyond the call of duty’ …hats off to mujeeb. Humanity in its all-encompassing best.”
Many others have saluted the man and encouraged others to lead a life with kindness.
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One user admired the dog’s aptitude and wrote, “I salute the spirit and effort. Dog understood and later balanced. Indian dogs are blessed with presence of mind and intelligence.”
The rescued dog was later released in his village neighbourhood.
In another instance, a pet dog in the UK was rescued from an approaching tide in a muddy swamp. The rescue squad had lured the dog by attaching a sausage to a drone.