A pair of slippers were thrown at Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav at a rally in Aurangabad on Tuesday, reported news agency ANI. Yadav, on October 14, filed nomination papers from the Raghopur assembly seat. Yadav represented the same seat in the previous assembly election.
He was accompanied by his elder brother Tej Pratap Yadav and senior party leader Bhola Rai. The former deputy chief minister is the Chief Ministerial candidate of the Grand Alliance in Bihar.
Also Read | ‘If we form govt in Bihar under Tejashwi Yadav’s leadership, will scrap farm laws’: Congress
The 30-year-old will face BJP candidate Satish Kumar, who defeated Rabri Devi from the same seat in the 2010 polls. Kumar had been defeated by Yadav in the 2015 Assembly election. In 2015, Tejashwi was a nominee of the Grand Alliance, which comprised of RJD, JD(U), and Congress.
Also Read | RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav files nomination from Raghopur
Earlier, declaring Tejashwi Yadav as the face of Mahagathbandhan in Bihar, Randeep Surjewala said, if they form a government under the leadership of Yadav, they would pass a Bill in the first Vidhan Sabha (legislative assembly) session to scrap the three “anti-farm laws.”