Hollywood actor Chris Evans, popularly known for his role as Captain America in multiple Marvel movies turned 40 on Sunday. The actor enjoys massive fan-following in India but many would be unaware of the fact that Captain America once came to India and talk very highly of the spiritual experience he gained here.

On the occasion of his birthday, let’s revisit when Chris Evans talked about his spiritual connection with India and how he miss coming back.

This dates back to 2012 when in an interview with Hindustan Times, Chris disclosed that he visited India in the early 2000s for a Buddhist retreat. He also revealed that he stayed in Rishikesh.

Chris, who is deeply inclined towards Buddhism and its teaching, said, “I spent almost three weeks here in Rishikesh in 2005 or 2006. It was a Buddhist retreat. So, I attended a Buddhism class in Los Angeles and the woman who used to teach her there received her training in India. So we all went to this small village in India hiked the Himalayas and camped on the banks of river Ganga. It was a great experience.”

The actor further said that he missed his annual trip to India that he had not been able to take due to his film commitments. 

Meanwhile, on the work front, Chris Evan fans are in for a treat as the actor is about to hit the big screen with several projects in the coming years including ‘Don’t Look Up’, ‘Lightyear’, ‘The Gray Man’ and ‘Little Shop of Horrors’