Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday put a question to Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a meeting of the chief ministers of states that are worst-hit by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Who should I speak to… when oxygen tanker is stopped,” he asked the Prime Minister.
“There’s a huge shortage of oxygen in Delhi. Will people of Delhi not get oxygen if there is no oxygen-producing plant here? Please suggest who should I speak to in Central Govt when an oxygen tanker destined for Delhi is stopped in another state? Kejriwal asked during the meeting, reports ANI.
The Prime Minister was meeting the chief ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Punjab. Union Home minister Amit Shah and senior government officials were are also present in the meet.
The meeting comes a day after India’s daily case tally touched a new high of 332,730 infection in 24 hours and 2,263 deaths.
India is struggling with an aggressive second wave of COVID-19 with case tally touching new highs everyday. Hospitals across the nation are reporting a shortage of oxygen cylinders, beds and medicines.