India%u2019s Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 4th edition of India Energy Forum by CERAWeek on October 26. The three-day event was organised virtually by IHS Markit and the theme of the event was %u201CIndia%u2019s Energy Future in a World of Change%u201D.

The event was attended by at least 30 international delegates and community speakers including Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Minister of Steel, Dharmendra Pradhan, Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud, Minister of Energy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Dan Brouillette US Secretary of Energy among others.

PM Modi, who is an advocate of reliable and effective sources of energy, said that the country%u2019s energy plan ensure justice while abiding by India%u2019s commitment towards sustainable growth.

Modi also reiterated that there is a need to take productive steps to impart energy to a section of society with a smaller carbon footprint.

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