Rakesh Kumar Mishra was arrested on Thursday in Bihar for threatening to kill Indian billionaire businessman Mukesh Ambani. He was nabbed by a team of Mumbai police, in a joint operation with Bihar police, from Darbhanga district in Bihar.
Reports say that he is now being brought back to Mumbai where he will be investigated further.
Who is Rakesh Kumar Mishra?
Rakesh Kumar Mishra is an unemployed man from the Darbhanga district in Bihar. He was arrested for allegedly making phone calls to Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, a Reliance Foundation-owned facility, and threatening to blow it up.
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Police say that they have booked Mishra under sections 506(2) and 507 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and they have not found any motive for his actions so far.
On Wednesday, the hospital said that it received two phone calls within five hours from an unknown number. The caller threatened to blow up the building in the first phone call and issued death threats to Reliance chairman Mukesh Ambani and his family in the next.
“At 12.45pm today and again at 5.04pm a call was received at a call centre of Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital threatening to blow up the hospital & threatening to take the lives of Mukesh Ambani, Nita Ambani, Akash Ambani and Anant Ambani,” a spokesperson of Reliance said in a statement.
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“Acting swiftly in the incident of threat calls to Ambani family, a team of Mumbai Police detained a person from a block in Darbhanga, Bihar at midnight with help of Bihar Police,” a statement from Mumbai police said.
“Team is on the way back to Mumbai along with the accused. Further investigation is being done in this matter,” they added.