Ram Swaroop Sharma, the Bharatiya Janata Party member of Lok Sabha who was found hanging at his Delhi residence on Wednesday, represented Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. The 62-year-old leader was born at Jalpehar village in Mandi district on June 10, 1958.

The lawmaker was found hanging from a ceiling fan at his flat in Gomti Apartments near RML Hospital, according to reports. The BJP has cancelled its parliamentary party meeting today following the news of his death.

(Read more: Former minister and BJP leader Dilip Gandhi dead)

Sharma was a two time MP and was elected to the 16th and 17th Lok Sabha in 2014 and 2019 respectively, both from Mandi. In 2019, he defeated Ashray Sharma, grandson of former union minister and Congress leader Sukh Ram. 

Sharma was popular in his constituency and was known for his humility, simplicity and integrity. During the 2019 campaign his main pitch against Ashray Sharma was the alleged graft cases against Sukh Ram.  

In his first term in Lok Sabha he was a member of the consultative committee on tourism and culture and in the second term he was on in the standing committee on external affairs.