Indian film director Vignesh Shivan and actor Nayanthara tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Mahabalipuram on Thursday morning. The wedding ceremony began at 8.30 am and was attended by the couple’s family members and close friends.
The couple met during the narration of the movie Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in 2015 and fell in love during the film’s shooting. Last year, their engagement rumours began doing the rounds after the actor posed with a ring. She later confirmed that the ring was an engagement ring during a chat show.
At a press conference in Chennai on June 7, the filmmaker confirmed their wedding.
“Like how your blessings have been there for me professionally, I needed those for my personal life as well. I am moving onto the next stage of my personal life,” he said.
“On June 9, I am getting married to love of my life, Nayanthara. It is going to be an intimate event at Mahabalipuram with family and close friends. Initially, we planned to get married at Tirupathi temple, but due to logistics issues that didn’t happen. After the marriage, in the afternoon, we will share our pictures with you all. On June 11 afternoon, Nayanthara and I will meet you (media) all and we will have lunch together.”
Who is Vignesh Shivan?
Born on September 18, 1985, Vignesh Shivan works in the Tamil film industry. He made his directorial debut with the 2012 movie Podaa Podi, starring Silambarasan. The movie received mixed reviews.
The 36-year-old’s next movie Naanum Rowdy Dhaan released in 2015. It starred his lady love Nayanthara and actor Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles.
For his third venture, Thaanaa Serndha Koottam, he teamed up with Suriya and Keerthy Suresh. The movie released in 2018 and was successful at the box office.
He directed the recently released movie Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal, which starred Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi and Samantha Akkineni in lead roles. The romantic comedy earned Rs 70 crores at the box office.
Vignesh Shivan family – His father, late Sivakozhundhu, was a police officer who served as the Superintendent of police in Chennai. His mother, Meena Kumar, is a retired police officer who served in Vadapalani police station. The filmmaker has a younger sister.
Vignesh Shivan net worth – HIs net worth is estimated to be around $44 million.