Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the nation from the majestic Red Fort in New Delhi on the eve of India’s 75th Independence Day, today said that the next 25 years will be “Amrit Kaal” for the country and the nation will transform itself to work towards leading the world.
“A time comes in the development journey of every country when that nation defines itself from a new end, when it takes itself forward with new resolutions. Today, that time has come in India’s development journey,” the prime minister said, adding that India has to march ahead with new pledges for the next 25 years.
“We have to ensure we meet our goal of building Aatmanirbhar Bharat when we celebrate 100 years of India’s Independence,” said PM Modi, donned in white kurta-pajama, blue waistcoat and a saffron turban.
PM Modi, after hoisting the tricolour at the historic Red Fort, said that we have to make new thresholds, new dreams and new aspirations. Amrit Kaal will go on for 25 years but we must not wait for 25 years to achieve our targets.We must get to work right now!
“The nation needs to change, and we need to change as citizens as well according to the changing times. It is essential to fully utilise the capabilities of India to take it to new heights,” he said, adding that the development should be inclusive.
To achieve this dream we have to hold hands of the sections that are lagging behind, the areas that are lagging behind. The Northeast region, the Himalayan region including Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, the coastal belt and tribal regions will make a foundation for India’s development in the future,” PM Modi said.
This is PM Modi’s eighth consecutive Independence Day speech from the ramparts of the red fort. And this is the second consecutive year when the historic day will be celebrated under the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic.
India is marking the occasion as “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” under which a series of events have been organised across the country. Earlier today, PM Modi greeted people on Independence Day and expressed the hope that the year of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” will infuse new energy into the country.