Deepika Padukone uploaded a story on Instagram today, naming and shaming a man who was hiding behind his profile as he sent hateful messages to her in her inbox. Trolls are the worst creatures in the Internet world. They hide behind their devices and send hateful and hurtful comments to others for any reason under the sun.
More often than not, women are targets of these trolls who find the Internet a portal to release their misogyny. Famous female celebrities have always been on the receiving end of these hateful messages.
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However, most times these celebrities choose to ignore them until someone says enough is enough. Deepika Padukone, like the strong, brave, and boss lady that she is chose to step up and bring our attention to these problems.
Deepika Padukone uploaded a screenshot of the messages that a man had sent her, on her Instagram story. She not only uploaded the story but also shared a message with it.
“Wow! Your family & friends must be proud of you”, she said mockingly.
Although the actor later deleted the story, the post was instantly shared and reshared.
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It is not easy for people like her to take these bold steps as it comes with a lot of consequences. However, Deepika Padukone has always treated extreme situations with grace, courage, and panache.