Digital content creator Yashraj Mukhate recently took to Instagram to create a parody video remix out of some footage from Bigg Boss 13. The video remix comprises a conversation between former contestant Shehnaaz Gill and Arti Singh. Titled Boring Day, the Instagram reel shows Shehnaaz talk about a monotonous day at the Bigg Boss house. Arti is then seen walking out, stating that Shehnaaz is the one who has bored her out of her mind. Mukhate is seen playing an instrument. The video concludes by featuring Mukhate alongside Shehnaaz, who dance to the rhythmic beat together.
Posted a day ago, the Instagram video has amassed over 4 million views and over 16,000 comments. The caption reads, “Boring day. Another one with the amazing Shehnaaz Gill. Arti Singh love your expressions.”
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Shehnaaz Gill also took to Instagram to share the video.
The viral video has garnered comments from various public figures, including comedian Zakir Khan who wrote, “Ok fine, Yashraj is sent by god to do these fun remixes!”
Television personality and actor Archana Puran Singh also shared a hilarious response, to which comedian Tanmay Bhat added, “Archana Puran Singh has already laughed so I guess I’m not needed”.
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Digital content creator Ankush Bahuguna added, “Life has meaning now”, along with a laughing emoji.
The remix is the second collaboration between Mukhate and Shehnaaz. Earlier, the content creator had made a remix out of another dialogue of the actor. The hit remix, known as ‘Sadda Kutta Tommy’, had gone viral and was recreated by Bollywood biggies, including Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Raveena Tandon.
In an old conversation with The Indian Express, Mukhate had shared how his work has a particular structure which includes an introduction, a bridge, and a chorus. He added that he uses dialogues and musical notes together to make the remix catchy.