The rise in demand for packaged and instant food products has led to an increase in the number of food additives. If you look at the ingredients label of any food item in your kitchen you will spot a food additive.

More than 85% of all packaged foods contain additives. They are used to enhance taste, appearance and increase shelf life. These chemicals should be avoided as they have adverse health effects and can cause serious issues such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Very few additives are safe and can be consumed with minimal risk.

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Here are some food additives that should be avoided:

Hydrogenated fats

They cause a rise in bad cholesterol (LDL) and  inflammation, which increases the risk of heart attack, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and obesity. Recently, the FDA banned the use of synthetic trans fats in foods. Manufacturers are allowed to declare a food item as having zero trans fat if it contains less than 0.5 per serving. Avoid any product containing hydrogenated fats or ingredients like shortening and margarine.

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Artificial colours

They are used to brighten and enhance the appearance of food products such as candies. Paediatricians, researchers, and government bodies agree that artificial food colours promote hyperactivity in sensitive children and can cause allergic reactions.

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Some of the artificial colours are derived from coal tar and some contain carcinogens like benzidine. Additives like Citrus Red, Sunset Yellow, Amaranth, Brilliant Blu and Indigo Carmine can have serious side effects and can even lead to organ disorders. Many countries have banned these for use by infants, children and even pets.

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Antioxidants are used in foods to increase their shelf life as they prevent the oils and fats from going rancid. According to the US Department of Health, antioxidants like Butylated Hydroxyanisole (E320) can cause cancer. Propyl Gallate has been linked to tumours in animal studies. TBHQ (E319) can be harmful if consumed in large doses (5g or more). Many countries have banned the use of these antioxidants.

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Potassium bromate

Next time you see a bread or dough strengthener, cross-check if it contains potassium bromate. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, potassium bromate has the potential to cause cancer. These additives are banned in the EU, UK, and Canada.

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Artificial sweeteners

They are used in diet foods and beverages to enhance sweetness while reducing calorie content. But artificial sweeteners can cause obesity, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. Two of the commonly used sweeteners Acesulfame-K and Aspartame can cause cancer. Artificial sweeteners can destroy gut-friendly bacteria and lead to increased belly fat and slow metabolism.

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Whenever you buy a packaged or instant food item, always turn  look at the ingredients first. If the product has any harmful additives, look for safer alternatives. There is always a healthier alternative to every unhealthy food.