Varija Life, a Not for Profit Organisation under fashion and lifestyle brand Varija Bajaj, is set to host the first edition of the National Ability Summit in India. The event that will take place virtually for two days, starting from December 2, will see acclaimed names from media, films, fashion, and lifestyle, speaking on the need to create awareness on disability and creating an environment for them where they feel welcomed.
“I wish to mobilise the influencers across sectors, policymakers, and even people’s perception towards people with special needs. It is not a matter of special privilege but basic human rights and dignity of life” designer Varija Bajaj said in a statement.
As a step to stir up action for an inclusive global society, the main objective of the National Ability Summit is to provide a platform to world leaders from government bodies, educational institutions, health institutions, private and public sectors to share their learning curve and collectively draw a 360-degree approach to address physical and mental health for the global community at large.
The speakers from around the world will be on live panel discussions spanning over two days. The summit will address Employment and Human Resource for People With Disabilities (PWD), Assistive Technology, Mental Health, Adaptive Clothing, Art and Films for and by PWD, Digital Accessibility, Infrastructural Accessibility and Startups focusing on mental and physical needs of PWD.
“I am honored to be invited to participate in the National Ability Summit and work with global partners on sharing resources and working together to make our world a more accessible one for all people with disabilities.” -Rachel Arfa, the City of Chicago, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (USA)
James Lebrecht, Co-Director of “Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution”, a film that has been executively produced by Barack Obama & Michele Obama, is also looking forward to being part of the panelist.
“I’m looking forward to a new day, where when we see people with disabilities in films, that we’re there not because we are the tragic or inspirational character, but because we are simply a natural part of life and society. That is authentic. This would be an important step towards eliminating the harmful stigma – that unrelenting burden – that we all face in the disabled community,” he said in a statement.
Some of the other confirmed participants for the events are:
-Christopher Patnoe, Head of Accessibility Programme & Disability Inclusion, Google (USA)
-Nikki Hind, Australia’s 1st Blind Fashion Designer (Australia)
-Shonali Bose, Indian Film Director & Producer, Margarita with a Straw & The Sky is Pink (India)
-Dr. Samir Parikh, Director, Fortis National Mental Health Program, Fortis Healthcare (India)
-Tasneem Raja, Lead Mental Health, Tata Trusts (India)
-Judith E. Heumann, International Disability Rights Advocate,The Heumann Perspective (USA)
-Rachel Arfa, Commissioner of Mayor’s office, City of Chicago for people with Disabilities (USA)
-Balendu Sharma Dadhich-Localisation & Accessibility, Microsoft (India)
-Grishma Shah, Chicago Reelabilities Film Festival, Co-Director (USA)
-Hardeep Rai, Group CEO at The Kaleidoscope Group of Companies (UK)
-Meg O’Connell, CEO & Founder, Global Disability Inclusion (USA)
-Ira Singhal, Brand Ambassador for Department of Disability, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India (India)
-Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj, IAS, District Magistrate, Noida (India)
-Rich Donovan, CEO, The Return on Disability Group, Author of Unleash Different (Canada)
-Ravindra Singh, CEO at Skill Council for Persons with Disabilities (India)
-Kush Kanodia, Governor-Chelsea and Westminster Hospital,Board Member-Global Disability Innovation Hub, Chief Disability Officer-The Kaleidoscope Group of Companies (London)
-Gaurav Raheja, Professor and Architect IIT Roorkee, Advisor Accessible India Movement (India)
-Parul Sharma, Country Program Manager- World Enabled (India)
-Mohan Sundaram, Founder Artilabs Foundation, President-Disability NGOs Association (India)
-Robin Christopherson, Head of Digital Inclusion-AbilityNet (UK)
-Pranav Desai, Founder of Voice of SAP (USA)
-Shilpi Kapoor, Founder of Barrier Break, 247Accessible Documents & Newz Hook-Disability and Accessibility News (India)
-Jonathan Hassell, CEO & Founder Hassell Inclusion (UK)
-Stephanie, Founder & CEO-Cur8able, Disability Fashion Stylist (USA)
-Matthew Skerritt, Founder EveryHuman ( Adaptive Fashion) Australia
-Shannon Willard, Director Sales, Silvert’s Adaptive Clothing and Footwear (USA)
-Anita Iyer, Founder & Managing Trustee -Ekansh Trust (India)
-James Lebrecht, Filmmaker, Co-Director of Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution (USA)
– Isaac Zablocki- Co-Founder, ReelAbilities: NY Film Festival, Director: Israel Film Center (USA)
-Keely Wells, Disability Activist, CEO-C Talent, Founder-Zetta Studios (USA)
-Prakriti Poddar, Global Head – Mental Health at Round Glass, Managing Trustee – Poddar Foundation (Canada)
-Dr. Nirmesh G Desai-Director, Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS) (India)
-Dr. Manoj Kumar, Founder & Clinical Director, Mental Health Action Trust (MHAT), Kerala (India)
-Sandhya Menon, Author/Journalist (India)
-Ms. Mansi Dholakia, CEO, Global Mental Health Association (USA)