Is the frozen honey or raw honey stored in your refrigerator fit for consumption? Well, food trends and challenges are not a new thing. Recently, a viral trend #frozenhoney is doing rounds on social media. The challenge includes freezing a full bottle of honey and then chewing it like candy. The trend gained millions of views and comments but internet users are divided over the results of this challenge. Experts suggest that consuming honey in large quantities is not safe.
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Is it safe to eat frozen honey?
Freezing or storing honey in a refrigerator is a usual affair but chewing the frozen chunks of honey is not safe.
Honey is also a form of sugar. Experts suggest that eating a large portion or chunk of honey in one go can cause headaches, upset stomach, diarrhea, and bloating.
Consuming an excess of honey in one go can increase the chances of Botulism because unprocessed honey contains Clostridium botulinum bacteria which can lead to neurological disorders and gastrointestinal diseases.
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Honey contains fructose and eating excessive amounts of honey may increase the sugar level and makes it unsuitable for diabetic and fructose-intolerant patients.
High sugar content and the frozen particle of honey affect the enamel and can damage your teeth.
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How much honey is safe to consume?
Experts suggest that 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon honey per day is safe. When you freeze honey and consume it like candy, you tend to consume way more amount than 1 tablespoon. A high amount of honey can lead to issues such as bloating, diarrhea, and skin issues.
According to Ayurveda, honey should be consumed at room temperature to get maximum benefits from it. When you consume something in its natural form, it gives you the best results. Processing disturbs the natural state of a product which can be harmful.
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We should avoid following any trend blindly and check its authenticity first. Be cautious before following such trends, these can be risky and can give you serious health issues instead it’s better to miss out on some trends for your health.