The festival of love and lights, Diwali, is
a day of grand celebration with people visiting their friends and families from
far off places. People cook a number of delicacies and enjoy them with sweets. We
tend to enjoy an unhealthy diet for a period of a few weeks and we end up
putting on some weight.

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In addition to hitting the gym and burning
of the calories one also needs to shift to a healthy diet in order to get back
in shape. Here are some ways you can detox after a busy festive season:

Drinking coconut water with lemon and mint
is a great way to get rid of the toxic waste in our body. You can make the drink
by chopping coconut mean and adding it to coconut water, topping it off with
mint leaves, lemon juice and honey.

Carrot and beetroot detox water can be made
by slicing carrot, beetroot, a medium sized cinnamon stick, lemon juice and
water. The drink is best enjoyed at room temperature.

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How to detoxify?

Consuming a lot of water: Every person
needs to drink at least six glasses of water every day in order to feel fresh
and remain hydrated. On top of that, the flavourless liquid works wonders for
losing weight and feeling rejuvenated.

Getting proper sleep: Festivals tend to disturb
our sleep routine and our brain needs to recharge itself by getting at least 7
to 8 hours of sleep every day.

Increasing the volume of veggies and
fibrous food: A large intake of green vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli
is extremely important.

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Eating habit: One must not engage in poor
habits like having midnight snacks. A person should eat before sunset and the
last meal of the day must be consumed four hours before sleeping.

Yoga and exercises: Starting the day with stretching
exercises, surya namaskar and breathing exercises can do wonders for the
fitness of a person.