Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday announced a Yoga application that will contain training videos in different languages for people across the world. It has been dubbed as M-Yoga app and is a project in collaboration with the World Health Organisation. The PM made the announcement on the occasion of the seventh International Day of Yoga.
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Addressing the nation, the PM said that as the world is fighting against COVID-19, “Yoga has become a ray of hope.” He said that no public event has been organised in India or the world for the past two years, but the enthusiasm for Yoga hasn’t reduced.
‘Yoga For Wellness’ is the theme for this year’s Yoga day, which, as per the PM, has encouraged people even more to do Yoga. Modi said that even medical science lays emphasis on the healing process, besides medical treatment, and this ancient practice helps in healing.
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In his address, the PM said that doctors had used Yoga as an armour to treat patients and that there were pictures from hospitals that showed doctors and nurses performing breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom Prāṇāyāma. “International experts have said that these exercises strengthen the breathing system,” the Prime Minister said.
He emphasised both the physical and mental health benefits of the practice.
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While concluding his address, Modi said that he wished “every country, society and person remain healthy.” “May all come together and become each other’s strength,” he said.