We all know
that during the pandemic, work from home has taken a toll on our physical and
mental health. Many of us are not aware of a fact that stress due to
work has become a global public health issue. The impact of stress on our physical
and mental health prevents our productivity, hence resulting in economic loss.

A recent study has
showed that working people who regularly goes for walks in greenspaces have
higher stress- coping abilities. The study published in Public
Health in Practice, in which researchers led by Professor Shinichiro Sasahara
at the University of Tsukuba analysed workers’ “sense of coherence”
(SOC) scores, demographic attributes, and their forest/greenspace walking
habits, reported ANI.

SOC comprises the triad of meaningfulness (finding a sense of
meaning in life), comprehensibility (recognising and understanding stress), and
manageability (feeling equipped to deal with stress). Studies have found
factors such as higher education and being married can strengthen SOC, while
smoking and not exercising can weaken it. People with strong SOC also have
greater resilience to stress, the study added.

Also read: Five reasons to take frequent breaks while working from home

The study included the survey on above 6,000 Japanese workers in
the age group of 20 and 60 years old. The survey found stronger SOC among people who regularly
took walks in forests or greenspaces. Professor Sasahara told “SOC
indicates mental capacities for realising and dealing with stress”,
reported ANI.

“With workplace stress as a focal
issue, there’s a clear benefit in identifying everyday activities that raise
SOC. It seems we may have found one”, he added.

The study mentioned that people find
calmness in nature, therefore Professor Sasahara advised that taking a walk at
least once a week in a forest or green space can help people have stronger SOC.

“Forest/greenspace walking is a
simple activity that needs no special equipment or training. It could be a very
good habit for improving mental health and managing stress”, he